
Dr Shaheeba Barrow:

Dr Shaheeba Barrow has been a Consultant Histopathologist for over 25 years. She completed her undergraduate medical training at the University of the West Indies before embarking on her postgraduate histopathology degree at West Minster and Charing Cross medical schools in London, United Kingdom. She is currently employed at Port of Spain General Hospital as a Specialist Medical Officer where she is the Head of the Department of Pathology. Apart from reporting on general surgical histology she has special interests in autopsy pathology, lymphoma, dermatopathology, breast and cytopathology.

Dr. Mickhaiel Barrow:

Dr. Mickhaiel Barrow is also a Consultant Histopathologist at Port of Spain General Hospital. Having completed his medical training at Cambridge and Oxford Universities, he undertook his training in histopathology in Manchester. His special interests include gynaecological pathology, endocrine pathology, cardiothoracic pathology as well as non-cervical cytololgy.